I became a Rolfer because I wanted my work to connect to my values, enthusiasms and experience. My aim is to create a transformative and safe space for my clients.
This is a short statement of the values and mission of London Rolfing in 2023.
We are equally deserving of respect and care.
I am honoured to work with people from all walks of life, irrespective of race/ethnicity, faith community, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or HIV status.
I used to attend Quaker meetings in the past, and continue to be inspired by a form of words that they use: respecting ‘that of God in everyone’.
(Quakers are chiefly known for their non-dogmatic position on matters of faith, conscientious objection to military conflict, social activism, support for racial, gender and sexual orientation equalities, and respect for people of all faiths and none.)
Modern life requires us to pretend to be a lot shinier than we actually are. Please don’t worry about your weight, wobbliness, or what you look like in your underwear. Everyone looks better than they imagine they do (this is what I have learned).
If the sessions are not working as well as they might, or I do not feel I can help you in the way that you need, I will tell you. If I can suggest other Rolfers or other practitioners who may be better able to help you, I will. I don’t ask my clients to commit to all ten sessions, and as a general rule I do not offer discounts for bookings of multiple sessions, because a) they chiefly benefit people who least need the discount, and b) I want my clients to come back because they choose to do so.
Rolfing for all
I happen to work in one of the greatest but most unequal cities on earth (and also in Luton). London, Rolfing: I love you both, but I did not get into this business to offer Rolfing as a ‘luxury’ treatment affordable only to the super-wealthy. I have set my fee at a level which takes into account the cost and time of both my initial and ongoing training (I am one of only a small number of Certified Advanced Rolfers™ in the UK, and spend several weeks in training every year), my venue and travel costs, and the fact that my sessions can run to 90 minutes. If you would like to access Rolfing, but cannot afford my fee, please contact me by email.